October 12, 2021- January 11, 2022. Treasure Valley Artists Alliance “Precisely Purple” exhibition at the Meridian Library, 1326 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, Idaho.

The brush begins where nature ends.
October 4, 2021-January 24, 2022. Treasure Valley Artists Alliance “Collaboration Cure: A Celebration of Making Art Together” exhibition. Treasure Chest Gallery at the Gem Center for the Arts, 2417 Bank Drive, Boise, ID.
Travel, adventure, and exploration have been common themes in both my life, and my father’s, and I strongly believe I must have inherited that passion from him. My dad hitchhiked across most of the country while younger before meeting my mother (and having my sister and I) and has been to 47 of the lower 48 states. His meandering journey from the east coast to the west brought him to the mountains of Idaho. Deep in the mountains of Idaho’s wilderness, he had the opportunity to live in a small rustic cabin with no running water, electricity, and miles from any paved road or civilization. It was a stark contrast to the bustling life of the Big Apple, and my dad loved his time that he spent there in solitude. Hearing story after story over the years about my father’s time in ‘The Honeymoon Cabin’ inspired me to paint this landscape scene. With lots of instruction, descriptions, trial-and-error sketches, and color mismatches, I finally had the painting looking like how my father remembered it.
October 1, 2020-October 31, 2020. Treasure Valley Artists Alliance “Voyage & Vehicle” exhibition at the Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, Baker City, Oregon. https://crossroads-arts.org/exhibits/treasure-valley-artist-alliance
August 28, 2020-December 1, 2020. Treasure Valley Artists Alliance “#Alone Together” exhibition at the Gem Center Gallery, Boise, Idaho.https://treasurevalleyartistsalliance.org/alonetogether/